martes, 9 de mayo de 2017

Interesting links Music and Arts / Enlaces interesantes Música y plástica

MUSIC AND ARTS (3rd, 4th and 5th years) / MÚSICA Y PLÁSTICA (6º)

In this link you will find plenty of ideas in order to make your own instrument made up of recycled materials. It's a great inspiration, isn't it? Just pick up some materials and set your imagination free!

En este link encontrarás muchas ideas con las que inspirarte para fabricar tu propio instrumento musical. !Simplemente coge algunos materiales usados y deja volar tu imaginación!

MUSIC (3rd, 4th and 5th years)

If you follow this link you will listen one beautiful Beatle's song, called "Octopus's Garden". Listen to it and try to learn the lyrics because we will happily sing it at school!

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